With CoachThem, we've made it easy to share drills and plans with your fellow coaches on our platform.
Plans can be shared in 3 capacities
To 4 different places
When plans are shared, an email and in-app notification will be sent to the receiver.
Share a single plan
With your plan selected, click the share arrow in the plan menu.
Share a tag folder
Hover over a tag in the plans panel and click the share arrow. This will share all the plans you have stored under this tag. Any time a new plan is saved to this tag, it will automatically share with your coach(es).
Share the entire personal drill folder
Hover over your personal folder and click the share arrow. This will share all your personal plans. Any time a new plan is saved, it will automatically share it with your coach(es).
Share to a single coach
Invite other coaches on CoachThem to share by entering their email addresses. Once they've accepted your invitation, you can easily find a coach by entering their first name, last name or email.
Share with a group of coaches
Share plans with a group you're a member of. All coaches in the group will be notified of the shared plan.
Share to your association
For our association subscribers, share with all the coaches in your organization. Only association administrators will be notified of the shared plan.
Share with your team
Share with the coaches on your staff with one click. All coaches in the team will be notified of the shared plan.
Share with ANY Platform
Share with your Team, Coach, Players and Parents. Share on any platform you can send an URL. E.g. Text, TeamSnap, WhatsApp. Users can view the plan but cannot view any video attached to the drills.
1. Select the print button.
2. Choose which template you prefer and select print.
3. Copy the page URL of the Plan. Valid for 365 days.